Festival Belluard Bollwerk International

Formal Frame

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Formal Frame


Swiss and international artists are invited to propose artistic projects for realization that happen outside of the habitual spaces of presentation and representation. Ideas for new or nascent artistic projects, that are to be realized site specific in unfamiliar places can be submitted. A special attention will be given to the peripheries, the rural space, suburbs, nature and other spaces away from urban centers. We look for projects that intervene in different spaces in and around Fribourg (CH) whilst having only moderate technical needs. The Belluard Festival has a long tradition of site specific projects created since 1983. To find out more, please check the archives.

Heading towards new and unusual venues questions the context and framework of the artistic processes of producing and making public. Where is one producing? Who produces, and with the participation of whom? To whom is the artistic work addressed? How is one communicating with a potential audience? In which kind of formats can the relation to the public be a part of the artistic process?

The submitted projects can have an element of participation and can be developed in collaboration with locals. They can be an activation of specific places in or around Fribourg, or they can be conceived for non-specific places as they exist everywhere (for example a forest, a retirement home). Both single events or a series of events are imaginable.